No fewer than 19.8 million Nigerians are listed on the Federal Government’s social register, which is designed to facilitate cash transfers to beneficiaries.
However, Minister of Humanitarian Affairs and Poverty Reduction, Nentawe Yilwatda, revealed in an interview that some politicians are attempting to influence the inclusion of poor Nigerians in the register to ensure they benefit from the government’s conditional cash transfer program.
While 19.8 million individuals are captured in the social register, Yilwatda noted that only the identities of 1.2 million people have been validated by the government. He explained, “Although we have 19.8 million people on the social register, we need to validate that list. So far, only 1.2 million people have been validated.”
The validation process involves confirming the existence of the individuals, verifying their locations, and using GPS technology to ensure they live in the identified areas. Additionally, social indicators such as access to water, healthcare, education, and economic opportunities will be used to determine who qualifies as the most impoverished.
The minister also addressed political pressures, emphasizing that the process is not solely a ministry activity. “It’s a partnership with the international community, including the World Bank and civil society organizations,” he said, adding that there have been attempts to influence the process for political gain.
Yilwatda also confirmed that cash transfers had been suspended temporarily and announced that the National Identification Number (NIN) and Bank Verification Number (BVN) would now be required for all digital transfers to ensure transparency and facilitate audits.
The government has set a target of reaching 15 million poor households, with each receiving N75,000.