
2024 Worker’s Day: U.S. Consul General Will Stevens advocates inclusion for PWDs

The United States Consulate in Lagos, Will Stevens, has called for inclusion for Persons Living With Disabilities.

Speaking at the 2024 Workers’ Day Celebration and Launch of ‘These Abilities Project’ on the Consulate General’s premises in Lagos on Thursday, the Consul General, Will Stevens said it was important for everyone, including PWDs, to speak up against discrimination.

Speaking on the theme ‘Promoting Inclusive Economic Opportunities for Persons With Disabilities,’ he made reference to Judy Heumann, a renowned American advocate for the rights of disabled people, who was an internationally recognized leader of the disability rights movement whose activism led to the implementation of major legislation in the United States.

After contracting polio as a child, she became the first wheelchair user to work as a teacher in New York City.

“As we seek to build a more inclusive society, we need to have a more diverse set of leaders,” Stevens said, pointing at the role of the government in ensuring inclusivity for the PWDs.

“Make sure that your governor, when he gives his speech, has a translation. Make sure that the website can be visible to people with eyesight problems. Have alternative text demanded,” he added.

He added, “The person who makes the most noise is the one that gets taken care of. So be a squeaky wheelchair driver, be the one who comes and says ‘Fix this!’ ‘I can’t hear!’

“In a democracy, it’s not easy to make change, it requires the participation of the civil society, it requires the participation of every one of you,” he added.

Stevens enjoined PWDs and the public to lend their voices when needed to ensure the changes they like to see in society are implemented.

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