
Pope Francis Skips Reading at Audience, says he still has a Cold

At his weekly audience on Wednesday, Pope Francis shared with the faithful he was still ailing, and he deferred the reading to an assistant.

The 87-year-old pope, who has recently experienced a variety of health issues, canceled appointments on Saturday and Monday because of what the Vatican described as a minor case of the flu.

As usual, on Sunday, he spoke to the throngs in St. Peter’s Square to impart his message about Angelus.

“Dear brothers and sisters, I still have a bit of a cold”, Francis said, announcing that someone else would read his catechesis on envy and vainglory, two of the seven deadly sins.

The reading was about one page long.

The pope did not read either a speech for a meeting earlier Wednesday with Armenian bishops, leaving that too to an aide, the Vatican said.

The pope did speak at the end of his audience, his voice sounding hoarse and coughing a bit, to greet some of the faithful and issue calls for peace, as is customary.

He mentioned conflicts in Ukraine, Israel and the Palestinian territories, as well as recent deadly attacks against a Catholic church and a mosque in Burkina Faso, and continuing violence in Haiti.

He also condemned the use of anti-personnel landmines, calling them “devious devices”, and recalling that March 1 marks the 25th anniversary of the entry into force of a UN convention banning them.

In December, the pope was forced to cancel a planned trip to a COP28 climate meeting in Dubai because of the effects of influenza and lung inflammation.

In January, he was unable to complete a speech owing to “a touch of bronchitis”. Later in the month he said he was doing better despite “some aches and pains”.

As a young man in his native Argentina, Francis had part of a lung removed.

The pope also has difficulty walking, and regularly uses a wheelchair or a cane. On Wednesday, he arrived at his indoor audience in a wheelchair.

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Sydney Okafor

I'm Sydney Okafor, a broadcast journalist, producer, presenter, voice-over artist and researcher, deeply intrigued by human angle stories in Nigeria and the broader African context.

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