Breaking: Gabon’s coupists arrest Bongo’s son for treason

The military officers who deposed Gabonese President Ali Bongo in a coup on Wednesday also detained his son.
Earlier twelve soldiers appeared on national television announcing the overthrow of Bongo’s government.
Recent reports said they also detained his son for “treason” alongside his allies.
“President Ali Bongo is under house arrest, surrounded by his family and doctors,” they said in a statement read out on state TV.
Bongo’s son and close adviser Noureddin Bongo Valentin, his chief of staff Ian Ghislain Ngoulou as well as his deputy, two other presidential advisers and the two top officials in the ruling Gabonese Democratic Party (PDG) “have been arrested,” a military leader said.
He said that among other accusations against them, they were charged with treason, theft, corruption, and forging the president’s signature.
While the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) continues to grapple with the Niger crisis that occurred on July 26, the military coup in Gabon is the most recent to sweep across West and Central Africa.