Canadian ‘Poison Killer’ Kenneth Law to Head Straight to Trial

A Canadian man accused of supplying a poisonous chemical to people who died by suicide will head straight to trial, an Ontario court has decided.
Prosecutors have also upgraded the charges against Kenneth Law from second-degree to first-degree murder.
Law may have sent more than 1,200 parcels containing lethal substances to around 40 countries, including the UK.
He made his latest court appearance on Thursday.
The 57-year-old former chef from Toronto is facing a total of 14 first-degree murder charges, as well as 14 counts of aiding and counselling suicide, for a total of 28 charges.
His lawyer, Matthew Gourlay, has said that Mr Law intends to plead not guilty.
All of the charges are linked to deaths of people from across Ontario aged 16 to 36. Police have said that more than one victim is under the age of 18.
At an earlier court appearance this week, prosecutors confirmed to Law that his case will proceed by direct indictment, bypassing a preliminary inquiry that typically assesses whether evidence against a defendant is strong enough to head to trial.