Dosunmu-Ogunbi Becomes First Black Woman to Earn PhD in Robotics

Nigeria’s Oluwami (Wami) Dosunmu-Ogunbi made history on Saturday, May 4, as the first Black woman to earn a PhD degree in Robotics at the University of Michigan, United States.
Presently a postdoctoral researcher in the Robotics Department at the University of Michigan Ann Arbor where she is advised by Professor Jessy Grizzle in the Biped Robotics Laboratory, her research focuses on controls of applications in bipedal locomotion.
Dosunmu-Ogunbi is interested in effectively disseminating complex engineering and robotics concepts to a wide audience, and one of her long-term goals is to become a professor.
Wami, as she is fondly called, recently spoke at the university’s valediction ceremony, where she said during her address that she started her program without having a clear idea of what she wanted to achieve.
Dosunmu-Ogunbi said she would use her knowledge in the engineering field to make a “positive impact on the world.”
“A Michigan Engineer is one who not only provides scientific and technological leadership but is also intellectually curious, socially conscious, creates collaborative solutions to societal problems, and promotes an inclusive and innovative community of service for the common good.
“We each have a solemn duty to make positive contributions to the world. Well, my reasons for becoming an engineer were initially frivolous, but they eventually moved into something more meaningful. I want to have a positive impact on the world,” Wami said.
Dosunmu-Ogunbi is the daughter of Nigerian immigrants. Prior to her PhD, she earned an MVP award from the University of Illinois’ Pi Tau Sigma chapter. Pi Tau Sigma is the Mechanical Engineering Honor Society. she served as the Sandcasting Chair and Trebuchet Chair for her chapter during the 2016-2017 academic year.
Wami also earned the MLK Spirit Award for Students which recognizes North Campus students whose academics and/or community engagement exemplify the leadership and vision of Dr. King. Nominees may lead or inspire peers, faculty/staff, and the broader community to develop or utilize their talents to advance social justice.
She has also been inducted into the Bouchet Society, which recognizes outstanding scholarly achievement and promotes diversity in graduate education and the professoriate.