
FIFA Removes Indonesia As Host Of The 2023 U20 World Cup

FIFA announced on Wednesday it had removed Indonesia as hosts of this year’s under-20 World Cup amid political turmoil over Israel’s participation.

“A new host will be announced as soon as possible, with the dates of the tournament currently remaining unchanged,” FIFA said in a statement.

Friday’s draw for the May 20-June 11 competition was scrapped by FIFA following protests over Israel’s involvement in the 24-team event.

In its statement, FIFA said Indonesia would no longer host the tournament “due to the current circumstances” without specifying details.

Indonesia and Israel do not have formal diplomatic relations, and support for the Palestinian cause in the world’s most populous Muslim-majority nation runs high, fuelling local opposition to hosting the Israeli team.

Indonesian officials said Bali’s governor calling for Israel to be thrown out of the cup because of its policies towards the Palestinians was likely behind the draw’s cancellation.

Around a hundred conservative Muslim demonstrators also marched in the capital Jakarta this month to protest Israel’s involvement.

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