At the early noon day while some Christian faithful were returning from their respective place of worship eye witnesses gave account of the almost fatal accident which occurred on Sunday, June 23, at the Ekiti Junction bus stop on the busy Eruwen road at Ikorodu, Lagos state, southwest Nigeria.
A young man, who wished to remain anonymous, provided a detailed account of the incident and shared a video of the wreckage, which occurred right in front of the entrance to their gate. As shown in the video, a navy-blue 2008 Toyota Corolla, driven by young men in their early 20s, was traveling at about 140 km/h when it hit a speed bump. This caused the vehicle to flip over. Remarkably, the young men sustained only minor injuries but were taken to General Hospital Ikorodu for evaluation.
Members of the Nigerian Police arrived at the scene hours later to begin their investigation.
Later that afternoon, on Wednesday, June 24, TV360 Nigeria’s reporter witnessed the police conducting further investigations at the scene. Although no specific information about the accident victims was available, the police promised to provide updates as necessary to the reporter.