
Governor Fubara Reveals Foiled Plot to Bomb Port Harcourt’s Presidential Hotel

Rivers State Governor Siminalayi Fubara has disclosed that an explosive device detonated in Port Harcourt on Tuesday was part of a larger plot to bomb the Presidential Hotel, a prominent hospitality facility in the state.

Governor Fubara shared this information during a visit by the Senate Committee on Privatization, led by Senator Orji Uzor Kalu, at the Government House in Port Harcourt on Wednesday.

Governor Fubara stated that the failed attacker aimed to target high-profile individuals, including members of the Senate committee, to justify the imposition of a state of emergency in the state.

He explained, “The idea was that as you heard the state of emergency, it will be so that by the time they finish when you return to have your sitting tomorrow (Thursday), the debate will be from somebody from this state who called you people to tell you not to come. He will now raise the issue of a state of emergency, and say, after all, distinguished colleagues saw it happen while you were in Rivers State, that you saw what happened.”

Governor Fubara emphasized that divine protection had thwarted the evil plan, stating, “When you are with God, even your own child who is planning evil, will go and tell somebody that God is with this man because he is clean, this is what my father is planning. That is what is keeping us in this State.”

Governor Fubara expressed concern over perceived legal inaction against offenders, suggesting that certain individuals might be considered above the law, particularly regarding the tenure elongation of former local government chairmen.

He clarified that his administration is not targeting anyone but is defending the state’s interests against those who seek to exploit it.

“There is no governor in Nigeria who can take 10 percent of the abuse railed at him by former local government council chairmen,” Fubara said. He emphasized that despite the insults and attacks, he remains focused on delivering good governance and democratic dividends to the people of Rivers State.

Governor Fubara also urged the Senate Committee to consider Rivers State’s interests in their recommendations for the privatization and commercialization of public companies.

He argued that involving the state in these processes would ensure the protection and viability of the assets.

“I will also appeal to you that in this process of privatization, anything that has to do with our own state here that needs to be privatized, the Rivers State government will be interested,” he stated. “It is only when we own it that those assets can be protected. It is only when we own it, that is when those assets become viable to the State, and also become viable to the Federal Republic of Nigeria.”

Senator Orji Uzor Kalu, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Privatization and Commercialization, commended Governor Fubara for his commitment to peace and quality governance.

He called for continued efforts to maintain peace and urged the Minister of the Federal Capital Territory, Nyesom Wike, to encourage his supporters to prioritize the state’s interests

“I want to admire Your Excellency, your Deputy and your team for the good things you are doing in the state, but it is good to have peace,” Senator Kalu said. “I want to thank you because you look like a very peaceful man. Your face shows a peaceful man. Your laugh shows a peaceful man. So, I want you to continue in that manner of peace.”

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