Indonesia in Final Stretch Ahead of World’s Biggest Single-Day Election

Around 25,000 police are expected to maintain security during the election on Wednesday, which is considered as a test of the democratic achievements won since the end of authoritarian rule 25 years ago. Indonesian officials were finalizing preparations for the poll.
Encumbered with a mineral-rich economy of 270 million people, outgoing President Joko Widodo oversaw a decade of consistent development and relative stability, positioning the country as a potential hub for international corporations involved in the supply chain of electric vehicles.
However, in the lead-up to the presidential election on February 14, Widodo—also known as Jokowi—has come under fire for what is viewed as political interference and his efforts to create a political dynasty.
He hasn’t specifically backed any of the three contenders for president, however he has said
Two opinion surveys last week projected Defence Minister Prabowo, who is making his third run to be president, could secure more than 50% of the votes on Wednesday, allowing him to win in a single round. Rivals Anies Baswedan and Ganjar Pranowo were seen at least 27 and 31 points behind him respectively.
Indonesia has entered a cooling-off period until voting day, with candidates barred from campaigning.
Running an election is a gargantuan task, opens new tab in Indonesia. The archipelago of more than 17,000 islands stretches across three times zones and a distance similar to across the United States.
Election officials have delivered ballot boxes and papers to far-flung regions, in some cases travelling hours by boat, helicopter or ox-drawn carts.
The weather agency has warned about the risk of extreme weather in West Java on polling day, media reported. Meanwhile, the election commission has postponed voting in ten villages in the Karanganyar district in Central Java due to flooding.
Jokowi’s tacit backing of Prabowo has led to accusations he has flouted election rules, which he rejects.
In Indonesia, sitting presidents can campaign for candidates providing they do not use state resources and must take official leave to do so. Incumbents have typically been neutral.
The presidential office has denied political meddling by Jokowi.
Hundreds of students held noisy street protests on Monday to protest against what they see as democratic backsliding under Jokowi, a former furniture salesman who seemed to offer a clean break from the military and political elite.
In 1998, huge student protests fuelled unrest that led to the fall of former strongman leader Suharto and helped usher in democracy.