Israel-Hamas war: Arab, Islamic leaders unite against Israeli aggression

The final resolution issued by the joint Arab and Islamic summit in Riyadh demands the end of what it describes as Israel’s aggression against Gaza, as well as “war crimes and barbaric, brutal and inhumane massacres.”
“We condemn the Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip, the war crimes and the barbaric, brutal and inhumane massacres committed by the colonial occupation government against the Palestinian people, including in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem. We demand it be stopped immediately,” the resolution read.
The statement said the summit rejects the characterization of this “war of revenge as (one of) self-defense” and demands the end of the siege in Gaza as well as the entry of humanitarian aid convoys, including food, medicine, and fuel immediately.
It also demanded the United Nations Security Council take a “decisive and binding decision” that imposes a cessation of aggression.
“We demand the Security Council take an immediate decision condemning Israel’s barbaric destruction of hospitals in the Gaza Strip and preventing the entry of medicine, food and fuel,” it added.
The resolution also called on the International Criminal Court to conduct an investigation into what it described as war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by Israel against the Palestinian people in all occupied Palestinian territories.
It called on all countries to stop exporting weapons and ammunition to Israel used by its army and the “terrorist settlers who kill Palestinian people and destroy their homes.”
The summit said that a “just, lasting and comprehensive peace” is the only way to guarantee security and stability for the people of the region.
“Protection from cycles of violence and wars will not be achieved without ending the Israeli occupation. … We hold Israel, the occupying power responsible for the continuation and aggravation of the conflict as a result of its aggression against human rights,” it added.