
Kaduna State Govt Lifts Curfew On Chikun LGA

The Kaduna State Government on Saturday lifted the curfew imposed on Sabon Garin Nasarawa-Tirkaniya in Chikun Local Government Area of the state since last Monday.

Earlier during the week the state government had imposed a 24-hour curfew following the clash between local hunters and some gangsters of Sabon Garin-Tirkaniya area of Chikun LGA of the state resulting in the death of two citizens of the state between Sunday night and Monday.

However, in a statement on Saturday, the Commissioner for Internal Security and Home Affairs in the state, Samuel Aruwan, said the curfew has been removed.

“The 12-hour curfew imposed on Sabon Garin Nasarawa-Tirkaniya in Chikun LGA has been removed, effective  Saturday 8th April 2023.

 “The military and police will continue to carry out patrols in the locations, as residents of the area may now go about their lawful activities.

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