
Miyetti Allah bans night grazing in Kwara state

The Miyetti Allah Cattle Breeders Association of Nigeria (MACBAN) has banned night grazing in Kwara State as well as children from grazing activities in the state.

National President of MACBAN, Baba Othman-Ngelzarma, disclosed this in Ilọrin, the state’s capital during the inauguration of the new executives of the union.

Othman-Ngelzarma said the development becomes necessary to promote peace and good neighbourliness amongst the people of the state.

According to him, “We have told our members and the new executives to ensure that there is understanding between the pastoralists and farmers in the state. Nobody should encroach on people’s farmland and allow underage boys to graze with cattle at night. This is not acceptable.

“Whoever is engaging in night grazing is deliberately doing so to cause trouble and misunderstanding in the state. We don’t condone or support it and if we catch anyone doing so, we will personally take such a person to the security agencies for necessary action,” Othman-Ngelzarma said.

He further emphasised the need for peaceful coexistence between farmers and herdsmen in the State.

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