
Moses Bliss Introduces Wife To Akwa Ibom Congregation

Moses Uyoh Enang, a Nigerian gospel musician, worship leader, and songwriter better known by his stage name Moses Bliss, made news when he brought his wife, Maria Bliss, to his church.

The moment was captured in a video titled “Moses Bliss speaks in Akwa Ibom.” In the footage, the gospel singer is seen walking on stage with his wife, tightly holding her hand.

The congregation sent out happy cheers during the introduction as he remarked, “She’s now a part of Akwa Ibom, my beloved wife, Maria Bliss.” After that, he gave her the microphone so she could address the congregation.

Unexpectedly, she spoke briefly in Akwa Ibom language, prompting further excitement and affirmative responses from the congregation.

Social media users were drawn to the stunning video, as many of them left comments online.

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