
Naptip arrests members of ‘notorious’ sextortion syndicate in Abuja

The National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons (NAPTIP) has arrested members of a notorious cult known for perpetrating gruesome acts of sextortion, terrorizing young girls and others in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) and its environs.

Speaking on the development, Waziri-Azi expressed grave concerns about the incremental cases of sextortion perpetrated by mostly young men against young girls within the FCT and called for increased vigilance among parents and stakeholders.

“It is sexual exploitation as it is where the perpetrator uses coercion and threats to compel the victim to produce sexual images or videos engaging in sexual acts and this act is punishable under the Trafficking in Persons (Prohibition) Enforcement and Administration Act, 2015 (as re-enacted).

“The shame, fear, and confusion victims feel when caught in this cycle often prevent them from asking for help or reporting the abuse, he said.

The DG further implored young girls to be aware of this trend and protect themselves by reporting all cases of sextortion to NAPTIP.

She warned against paying or sharing more of their sexual images with men, adding that their webcam or recording devices can be activated remotely.

“Do not revile them. A lapse in judgment should not lead to condemnation. If you or someone you know is a sextortion victim, you can help stop the harassment by reporting it to NAPTIP. Save all conversations, chats, or messages between yourself and the perpetrator,” she said

Waziri-Azi also enjoined parents to support their children if they report cases of sextortion to them.


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