
US House Approves Stop-Gap Funding Bill, Averting Government Shutdown Ahead of Election

US lawmakers took a significant step on Wednesday to prevent a government shutdown, as the House of Representatives approved a stop-gap funding deal to maintain operations through the upcoming election.

This bipartisan agreement, which is expected to be swiftly approved by the Senate, comes ahead of the September 30 deadline to finalize a new government budget or face shutdowns of federal agencies just five weeks before Election Day.

The measure, advancing from the Republican-led House, was made possible by minority Democrats compensating for numerous no votes from conservative rebels. It will keep the government funded at current spending levels until December 20.

“Americans can breathe easy knowing that, through bipartisanship, Congress is getting the job done,” said Chuck Schumer, the leader of the Democratic-controlled Senate. He emphasized the importance of keeping vital government services operational and preventing unnecessary disruptions.

While the funding negotiations lacked the typical drama associated with such standoffs, the prospect of a shutdown was a genuine concern for Republicans in the House as they approach reelection on November 5. This stop-gap “continuing resolution” was necessary because neither chamber had reached agreements on departmental budgets for the full 2025 fiscal year, which begins on October 1.

Last week, hard-liners in the House had pushed for a bill that would extend funding until March 2025, linked to the controversial SAVE Act, which sought to impose proof-of-citizenship requirements for voter registration. However, that plan was abandoned due to a lack of support among Republicans and the likelihood of not securing Democratic votes.

Former President Donald Trump, who has significant influence over the House GOP and continues to propagate unfounded claims of voter fraud from the 2020 election, had urged House Speaker Mike Johnson to include the election measure. Yet, House Republicans chose to pass a more bipartisan bill, sidelining the SAVE Act

Additionally, as part of the funding package, the House allocated over $230 million for the Secret Service to bolster protection for Trump and other candidates facing increased threats during the campaign season.

This marks the final legislative action before the elections, with most lawmakers returning to their home states for campaigning and not expected back in Washington until after the elections.

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