US Soldier Detained in Russia and Accused of Theft

A United States soldier has been detained in Vladivostok on charges of theft in Russia’s latest high-profile detention of an American.
Russia’s RIA state news agency reported on Tuesday that the soldier, identified by the court as Gordon Black, would be detained until July 2.
Speaking on condition of anonymity, US officials told the Associated Press news agency that the soldier, Staff Sergeant Gordon Black, 34, who is married, was stationed in South Korea and was in the process of returning home to Texas.
Instead, they said he travelled to Russia to see a longtime girlfriend.
Another US official, also speaking on condition of anonymity, told the Reuters news agency Black was accused of stealing from a woman.
The soldier’s arrest is likely to further complicate relations between the US and Russia, which have grown increasingly tense as the war in Ukraine has dragged on.
Cynthia Smith, a spokeswoman for the US Army, confirmed that a soldier had been detained on Thursday in Vladivostok, a major Pacific port, on charges of criminal misconduct. She said Russia notified the US and the Army told the soldier’s family.
“The US Department of State is providing appropriate consular support to the soldier in Russia,” Smith said.