
Your days are numbered, the defense chief warns IPOB and others.

The military high command has said that given the support it currently has from the population, the days of criminal elements in the country are numbered.

According to the Defence Headquarters, the criminal elements will either surrender or be murdered as a result of the development.

Maj. Gen. Edward Buba, Director of Defence Media Operations, made the announcement in a statement on Friday.

It partly read, “The uncommon cooperation, collaboration, and support received from citizens across the country are greatly assisting our operations to yield expected results. Nigerians are speaking up, and the military is doing something about it.

“Given the active participation of citizens in exposing the activities of these evil elements. Their days are surely numbered to either surrender now or exit this world. The military would sustain the momentum. Therefore if you know something, say something and the military will do something.”

He added that in the last few weeks, troops killed 38 terrorists and arrested 175 gunmen.

“During the week leading to August 11, 2023, the military neutralized 38 terrorists, arrested 175 gunmen/ criminals, 20 kidnappers, 30 collaborators, and 17 pipeline vandals.

“The military also rescued 89 kidnapped hostages. Troops denied the oil theft saboteurs the sum of N607,346,750.00 being the value of seizures.”

Buba also said between July 31 and August 3, troops arrested 18 suspected members of a criminal group in Borno known as ‘Malians’.

“Between July 31 and August 3, 2023, troops responded to intelligence of a notorious criminal gang known as Malians hibernating at Bolori 2 general area, Jajeri Bayan Quarters, and Tudu general in Maiduguri Municipal City of Borno State.

“The operation yielded results as troops arrested 18 suspected gang members. Troops recovered substances suspected to be cannabis, cough syrup, and five mobile phones.”

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Sydney Okafor

I'm Sydney Okafor, a broadcast journalist, producer, presenter, voice-over artist and researcher, deeply intrigued by human angle stories in Nigeria and the broader African context.

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